Monday, May 30, 2011

We had a long 2011 Memorial day. We started out on the Sanibel Causeway. After we set up we saw someone walking towards us. It was cousin Chad and his son Chad. Their family along with some of Kristen's family was also there for the morning. They set up about 100 yards from us. When Anthony started to get bored, we packed up and moved to their location for a change of scenery for Anthony. Around 1115 everyone packed up and headed home. But our planned events were only a 1/3 of the way done. Next we went home and got cleaned up. Then went to eat lunch with Candi and Savanna. We were celebrating Candi's 31st B Day at Chilli's. After that we headed over to Target for a few things. Then we went home grabbed some milk then headed to south Cape Coral for a B Day party at a park. It was Alana's 2nd b day. ( She is one of Laura's Brothers kids)
At about 6pm we decided it was time to head home. Anthony had a big day but over all he was pretty good. Was a little tired of being in the truck so much though.

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