Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Almost 33 weeks

Everything is going well. The doctor says "baby brother" is big. In the 95th percentile for his age. Overachiever is say. Laura is ready. He has be on her siatic nerve for a while . She is having a hard time walking. I her a chiropractor could help , but she is being stubborn . Hint hint.

Monday, February 18, 2013

It was Valentines day this past week so that means it was time for Hooters. Later in the week Anthony came out to the track for a visit. It was snack time in the pit area. We are still playing car swap since I haven't bought a new vehicle yet . Hopefully soon. Laura is doing well. Starting to get uncomfortable though. Only 8 more weeks

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Happy Morning

Out of nowhere he decided to start singing. Made for a pleasant morning drive to daycare. It is just the little things that make a great day.

Monday, February 4, 2013

New Accomplishment

Sunday we were on the patio and Anthony walked down the stairs. He got to the bottom one, looked at it then swung his arms back and jumped off the step. He Landed and had a huge smile. He was so proud and so was I. Then I realized that this is the beginning of jumping off things. One step today.. tomorrow jumping off the roof. So big :)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Yeah, we had a lot of candles. 36. A lot of smoke.
Anthony loves pulling off the candles and eating the frosting. Yeah, I taught him that.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday night we went out for Laura's Birthday. Red Lobster then Dancing. Only one place that has line dancing without smoking in south fort myers. Dinner took almost 2 hours for some reason. So we decided to go to the bowling alley by our house and play pool and darts. Then we ended the night with a trip to Walmart for Birthday party supplies. Good night.