Thursday, September 20, 2012

Anthony's 2nd B Day

We had a great birthday. Lots of friends and family came over to the house and we had one of Anthony's favorites... tacos. Lots of presents were opened. Anthony did pretty well. The entire day was great. He napped on time and was happy all day. Before the party we went to get balloons. That was fun. 12 balloons don't fit in my truck... 10 do. We lots two before we left the parking lot.
On his actually birthday, we went to Rib city. Maybe that was for me more than him.Later we took photos in the front yard. It was a great two days. Thanks everyone for making this a special day.
Here are the Party PHOTOS CLICK HERE

Monday, September 3, 2012

After working 12 days straight (thanks Hurricane Isaac) It was nice to have a 3 day weekend.

Highlights in this post: Anthony can successfully climb without injury or falling out of the crib.
Lots of words. repeats everything. Too many to keep track of. Lots of 3 word sentences.

Aug 25, 2012 was Grandpa Rices 60th B Day party. Swimming, Food and gifts. Lots of lotto scratch offs. Grandpa won 90 dollars total. 

 Hugging cousin Vincent. The are a year apart.

We went to a new (at least to us) place. The Aquatic Center in Fort Myers. Great time. Kids pool is only 2 feet deep. Great life guards. Also have 3 adult slides.

 We are slowly making the switch to the big bed. Scoring on a 100 scale, it is going about 50. Good and bad nights. This was his first nap that he choose to sleep in the bed. Not forcing him just letting him when he is ready. The last week or so he hasn't been sleeping well. Wakes up a few times. Sometimes longer than others. I think he is waking up hungry but I really don't want to give him food cause then he will always want food in the middle the night. I give in and sleep with him on the big bed which is also bad I know.

We went to Head Pinz. This is the new name for Friendship Lanes near the house. They are family friendly and remodeling the entire place. Huge game room. I got some free play cards so we used them up on the game room. Was a full time job following him around. Doesn't have a long attention span.

 Candi told us about the Labor day celebration at the German AMerican club. It was a little hot even though we got there at opening at 10am. Not many people so he was able to run around more than 2 feet from us without us worrying too much. He really enjoyed it.

Then it was Chick-Fil-A, nap time and then the pool. Pretty good weekend.