Thursday, September 29, 2011

Today was his one year doctors checkup. 22lbs and 32 inches or 2ft 8in long. He is in the 96% for age and height. He might be tall. He hot 4 shots. Flu, chicken pox, hepatitis and some other vaccine. I also got a flu shot 2. Everything is fine. The doctor said Anthony is his text book baby. Awwhhh.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

Anthony takes on the Edison Mall

Saturday we went to the mall with Shane, Candi and Savannah. We began with an outside plan but it was hot so we headed indoors. The mall was perfect. It even rained while we where there so we were happy to be inside.

FYI... Single guys, this is the way to pick up women. lol

Laura is trying to sneak up on Savannah.

We went in the wind tunnel 78mph wind. Anthony wasn't sure what to think.

We went to the Disney store. Laura found a Tigger and he loved it. Instantly giving it hugs. So we had to buy it. (oh yeah, it was buy one get one free. Jackpot) Nemo was the free one.

Anthony's First Haircut

The whole thing went better than I thought it would. I have cut my hair for 20 years but cutting someone else's is a little different. I just kept telling myself that it will grow back if I mess it up.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Anthony's First Steps

It started with 2 steps Sunday night then Monday afternoon he was ready to go.
1 years and 2 days will be his official walk day.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

1 Year Old

What a year. Anthony is a year old. I am sure we aged more than a year in the last 12 months. He isn't walking yet. I am sure when he does we will regret all the time we spent trying to get him to walk. He will be a runner for sure.
His party was great. Everyone had a good time. Thanks to everyone that was able to join us for his special day.

Oh yeah! Time to get messy

Anthony was happy to see his girlfriend Savannah Burnley

What a load. Anthony has enough toys to last him until he is 4.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Laura redeemed herself. As she says " it's not the cake that makes it look good, it's the icing "

How not to make an angel food cake

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The second half of the weekend/holiday went pretty fast. Sunday was a typical day. Monday we went to celebrate Sabrina's 15th B Day. Breakfast at Aunt Pam's house was awesome.
Kyla and Lauren made Anthony a card. He was having the best time playing with them, unfortunately we had to leave early so we could have the pool fence installed at Grandma and Grandpa Dennis' house.
After that we went home it was nap time for Laura and ANthony. Then I took Anthony over to Grandma and Grandpa Rices's house to visit. They went camping for the weekend. This gave Laura a quiet house to grade papers and do lesson plans. Gone for 2 1/2 hours but that still wasn't enough time. Now it looks like Anthony has a small cold. He didn't sleep that well and had a runny nose.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

How not to make a jello cake

This was a test for Anthony's first cake. Want to do something different. Didn't work out. We will try again. Have 13 days to get it right.

Busy week for Anthony. At Publix, one of the Deli ladies went and got him a balloon.
Saturday morning, we went to Grandma and Grandpa Dennis's house to install a pool fence. It didn't work out. It will be installed by someone with the right equipment on Monday. So Anthony played with Grandpa Dennis's butterfly's.
Then Saturday night we went to the going away party at El Primo's for a co worker of Laura's. A little pizza for anthony... he loved it. from left... Tim Bostic, Lori Bostic, James Chaney, Mom, Anthony and Dad. Side note: James Chaney was a childhood friend of Tony's. Laura ended up working with his wife 15 years later.