Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Big day for Anthony . Started out as a routine doctor appointment. Since he was born he has had a flatter spot on the side/back of his head. We have tried to turn his head while sleeping per the doctor so it would round out. Now the doctor wanted to make sure the bones haven't grown together before the head rounded out. So he had to get an xray at the hospital. He wasn't real happy being shirtless and being held still. Depending on the x ray we may have to do therapy. We can do it at home though. The therapy would exercise his neck muscles. This would allow more mobility so he would be happy turning his head more in the opposite direction so he will lay on the other side more and round out his head. Will know next week what the next step is.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry! Lucas had to go to physical therapy for several weeks because his head was flat on one side. Luckily, his head is normal now.
